In Adana, unfortunately it is hard to buy pork from supermarkets. Prices are very high and products are average. Pork Adana If you are looking for quality pork meat, Isthambul is a good option for you as we deliver a wide range of great pork products directly to your door.
Where can I find pork meat in Adana?
Isthambul delivers to Adana by cargo from Monday to Wednesday. Delivery time from Istanbul to Adana is 2-3 days.
If you have ordered frozen products please note that whilst every care is taken to package these including with ice blocks there is a risk they may defrost.
If you ordered outside of Istanbul (from Adana or any other city), you are entirely responsible for tracking your order. The day after you receive your order tracking code from us, you should call the cargo company branch and check whether your order can be delivered. If necessary, you should go and get your package yourself from the cargo branch. If for some reason your order is delayed and the products have defrosted, never refreeze. Keep them in the fridge and consume them within 48 hours. You can also put them back in freezer after cooking.
If you haven’t ordered frozen products, you should not have any problems for up to 48 hours.